Nouvelle donne #2 : engagement

Regardless the health, economic and social context, one of the main objectives of companies and HR today is to re-connect with their employees. This is the subject of the 2nd podcast “Nouvelle donne”.

Published on 14 June 2020

For this 2nd edition, Bruno Mettling shares his views on re-engaging employees. Regardless of the sanitary, economic and social context, one of the main objectives of companies and HR today is to re-connect with employees.

Could you remind us how commitment is defined?

Commitment is the intensity of the link between an employee and the company. In human resources, commitment is generally appreciated on two levels:

  • The feeling of belonging to a company
  • The work environment, the team to which one belongs, the relationship with one’s manager


"The challenge is not to let the physical and mental distance degrade the affectio societatis, the feeling of being part of a project community." Bruno Mettling

Et à l’inverse qu’est-ce que le désengagement selon vous ?

In contrast, disengagement is a risk of increased absenteeism and turnover. This is generally accompanied by a drop in the quality of work, particularly in service industry. And, ultimately, a risk of deterioration of the company’s image externally.


In the current context, what challenge does the company face in limiting this disengagement?

The challenge for companies is to maintain the commitment of employees in mixed situations.

  • With those who work remotely
  • With those who are not working (employees on short-time working, sick leave for childcare, sick leave, etc.): if these employees do not contribute to the company’s efforts today, they will contribute again tomorrow and their commitment must be maintained despite the context
  • With those who have returned to work, or who have been working on site, taking into account their fears, the difficulties of reconciling the return to work with their still confined family life, etc.


Published on 14 June 2020