Does teleworking lead to addiction ?

In this episode, Bruno Mettling talks about occupational health issues and comments on these new risks and their impact on the daily life of companies.

Bruno Mettling
Published on 14 February 2022
"The isolation of telework promotes addictive practices and make them invisible"

41% of employees report more frequent addictive practices in teleworking, ten points more than in the usual workplace. In addition to the well-known addictions (tobacco, alcohol, drugs, etc.), new forms of addiction are emerging and disturbing employees who are addicted to them. Gambling, FOMO syndrome (fear of missing out), which leads to being constantly on the alert on the phone, the inability to disconnect at home, etc., represent new problematic addictions in companies.

In this episode, Bruno Mettling, who is particularly involved in occupational health issues, comments on these new risks and their impact on the daily life of companies.

Bruno Mettling
Published on 14 February 2022