Managers in big companies: their vision of work
Here we look at how managers in large organizations view their work and their specificities. Topics 2022 Barometer
With a level of overall job satisfaction of managers equivalent to that of last year (7/10), almost all managers (94%) give a major place to work in their life balance.
On the definition of work itself, managers believe above all that it must be meaningful, personally pleasing to them, and allow them to develop their skills and knowledge. One third of managers consider their work as a freedom. Similarly, they place their personal fulfilment and satisfaction as the most valuable element in their work (23%) behind remuneration.
As we known that the transformation of work organisations depends mostly on a change in managerial culture and working methods, management based on trust and autonomy remains the main contribution to economic performance and quality of life at work for employees. For this reason, management based on trust and autonomy remains the main contribution to economic performance and quality of life at work for employees. It should be mentioned that this year, it is also accompanied by a clear increase in the contribution of societal and environmental responsibility issues for managers and the multiplication of digital and technological tools.

These figures come from the 2nd edition of our Observatoire de la transformation du travail realized by OpinionWay (June 2022). This study crosses the viewpoints of employees, managers and staff representatives of large companies on the changes in work.