Bruno Mettling, the Orange transformer, launches HR Topics firm
For him, in a changing world, “there is no economic performance without social performance and no sustainable social performance without economic performance”.

Bruno Mettling is a loyalist. When he was awarded the Légion d’honneur, he did not hesitate to mention his ‘godfathers’: Daniel Bouton and Dominique Strauss-Kahn; even if he confesses that he hardly sees them anymore… He is also faithful to his hobbyhorses: digital technology, human capital and social dialogue. For him, in a changing world, “there is no economic performance without social performance and no sustainable social performance without economic performance”. He is also a man of convictions.
A original task force
In order to better support companies undergoing change, the 60-year-old Lyonnais, who accompanied the transformation of Orange with Stéphane Richard, as DGA, HRD and “M. Afrique et Moyen-Orient”, created his small business: the internal transformation strategy consulting firm Topics. This with two important partners: Havas and insurance broker Siaci Saint Honoré, shareholders at 50% and 25%. «The model is original , I do not believe in the prospects of large structures», launches the ex animal of large groups (La Poste, BPCE…) who wants to compete in this market of digital and social transformation with Deloitte, Bain and other McKinsey.