Hybrid work will be evaluated over time and management.
We have entered the third stage of the transformation of work, the most structuring but also the most difficult. After forced telework due to confinement, companies have spent a lot of time organising remote work. This was undoubtedly a necessary step, but it crystallised bad references by opposing face-to-face and distance work. Today, the most important stage to succeed is ahead of us: it is that of hybrid work.

After forced telework and organised telework, hybrid work will be put to the test of time and management.
We have entered the third stage of the transformation of work, the most structuring but also the most difficult. After forced telework due to confinement, companies have spent a lot of time organising remote work. This was undoubtedly a necessary step, but it crystallised bad references by opposing face-to-face and distance work. Today, the most important stage to succeed is ahead of us: it is that of hybrid work.